Sustainable waste bins
December 8, 2022
At the MeeMaken Energize Event in July, we collected a great amount of money for the good cause. In total we collected € 10.000 during the event. Part of it has been donated to the Gewocha Forest in Ethiopia, the project of the charity The Hunger Project that we support as MeeMaken. The remaining amount will be used for sustainable investments at the offices of the MeeMaken companies.
You might have already seen the sustainable ‘Rebottled’ drinking glasses at your companies. These glasses are made by people who are distanced from the labor market and they use empty wine bottles that otherwise would be thrown away.
The second sustainable investment: will be KarTent waste bins that will facilitate waste separation. These waste bins are made of (mostly recycled) cardboard; one of the most durable materials to work with. We took a visit to their company with Ko & Ko and ordered the waste bins for all locations in The Netherlands. They will be delivered in the first quarter of 2023. Ready for a sustainable new year!